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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: i need help to find and start a small business
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851, RE: i need help to find and start a small business
Posted by jerky4free, Sat Mar-03-07 12:00 PM
Hey Ron,

Ok, this is the Mom in me speaking...if this (yes i know i am young and dumb but i have set a gole to keep food on the table and a little money in the pocket) is your signature then you need to change it. You are 21, so yes you are young, but don't lower your self worth by saying you are dumb and change "gole" to goal. Ok, now that I got the Mom stuff out of my system let's look at what you can do.
You seem like you started off good by looking into the pressure washing business a little bit before you bought it so that makes me think you have a good head on your shoulders. We actually own a pressure washing business and let me tell you, even though it is good money sometimes it is hard work for my husband. If something involves a good chunk of money then you should look into it in detail.
We are actually are on the path of creating our other company to replace the pressure washing income. My hubby ran into medical issue this last year so we have to slow it down a pinch.
I will tell you what we do...our whole family is involved (from my 7 year old to my grandma). Since I have a 18 year old I actually teach her friends how to make money this way (now of course she doesn't have a house to pay since she is in college, but we have a house to pay). Since it only involves $12 it works for everyone.
There are many avenues you can look into when you are looking to make some money and the ones that I find the best are the ones that allow you to keep your present way of income until the "new venture" matches that. That is what this did for us, we still have our pressure washing business, but that won't be forever.
By the way if you ever do decide on that pressure washer business let me know and my hubby and I can give you some pointers.
Oh by the way, I use the website in my sig, but my kids use