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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: i need help to find and start a small business
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820, RE: i need help to find and start a small business
Posted by lisasgourmet, Tue Feb-27-07 04:03 AM

Congrats on wanting to join the rest of us in small business!

First, take a moment and write down the various things you are interested in. Then, review your list. What things could you turn into a business? Narrow the list even further by selecting the items that you could see yourself doing for a while.

Now that you've got your "idea", start researching the viability. Living in a small town doesn't mean an idea can't work. If you live near a larger town/city, you could take the business there.

How do you research the viability? The easiest way is to start with a Small Business Development Center. YOu can talk with them by phone, in person or email. They are there to support future and current business owners with their business needs --- and they are free!

Being young is not a drawback to business. It justs means your learning curve may be a little larger -- but, by being young you may have a little more energy than the rest of us! HA HA!

All kidding aside, if you want something bad enough, you'll do what it takes to make it happen.

Good Luck to you!


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