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Topic subject | Need help with a name for a business |
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5230, Need help with a name for a business Posted by Lowtide, Mon Mar-16-15 09:04 PM
Any ideas for a catchy name for a business... Manufacturing Chicken coops that the buyer assembles that look like a mini hobbit home in the Shire. Thank you.
5231, RE: Need help with a name for a business Posted by dennismuller, Tue Apr-07-15 06:54 AM
Hello, I am interested in investing with you as a silent partner.
Please advise
5253, RE: Need help with a name for a business Posted by TobyG, Mon Jul-13-15 04:47 PM
I love the idea!!!! I buy eggs from a co-worker because they are free run and let me tell everyone, there is no comparison on quality and health when the egg comes from the locals.
With that said, name is a bit more trivial. I will think about and let you know.
5257, RE: Need help with a name for a business Posted by Bitcookie, Sat Jul-25-15 03:24 PM
Sounds like an awesome business! I love chickens and LOTR. Hm... without infringing on copyright...
Pippin's Chickens?!
Pippin's Chicken Coops Frodo Chickens Hobbit Hutch Middle Earth Chicken Coops Lost World Coops Lord of the Cocks (juuuust kidding!)
Good luck! Leslie PS - I can offer more branding advice if you want to keep brainstorming: