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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectBusiness Idea
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4977, Business Idea
Posted by abauman07, Mon Apr-28-14 05:06 AM
Maybe someone can give me some insight...

I, myself, am a Plus size woman. I'm not talking about plus size that you would find in typical boutiques (size 26/28 max) but along the lines of what you would find at stores such as Catherine's (up to size 34). Needless to say, it's very frustrating to find the more trendier styles in those larger sizes (including lingerie). After researching some of the extended size storefronts, I have found the following:
1) the styles are "older" - more appropriate for the middle aged and conservative women
2) the pricing for these clothes are outrageous! I'm sorry, but I have a big issue with paying $200-$400 for a dress or $30-$50 for a shirt.'s where my idea comes in. I want to start an extended size boutique to include lingerie with more reasonable prices.

I am still in the planning phases so there's no immediate need to open. I want to get all my duckies in a row.

Any thoughts?