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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectAcademy for Fine Arts
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4926, Academy for Fine Arts
Posted by Music Teacher, Sun Jan-13-13 02:00 PM
Hello! I am a music teacher, recently graduated, but with much former experience teaching children. Unfortunately there are very few music jobs available in the schools these days. Most art programs are being cut! But, in a way, that is good. The parents still want it for their children so they will go looking for it and should be willing to pay for it? So I would think...and hope.
I have tried, unsuccesfully to tutor and teach piano lessons in the past. I was successful with the students I had, but I did not pick up enough students to pay the bills. I stopped trying, and spent the next four years getting a degree...for what?
Anyways, if I could have it my way, I would prefer to teach one-on-one or in small groups and teach what I want and teach it my way, rather than be a slave to the public or private school system.
I would like to do this full-time, 35-40 hours per week, and on my own for now. Perhaps might round up some other unemployed college collegues and offer them a chance to teach as well, but only later, after I get established.
Well, anyway, I don't know how to even get started. My rental house is itty bitty and not even big enough for me, let alone using a room from it to teach from. I don't have any start up money, for I am already behind in my bills. I really don't want to borrow anymore money, I am indebted beyond belief from my college education. It really would cost me nothing to actually 'teach' my students. they would provide their own instruments, music stand, music, etc. I can't very well teach music in the public library. I have contacted the local community centers to try to work out something with them, but all they are willing to do is rent a room to me. (I just might have to go that route for now).
So the question I am supposed to be asking on this forum:
How do you get started when you are already stuck in the mud financially? How to you get students when you can't afford, initially, the business cards, or flyers, etc.?
I'm at a dead end trying to work for someone else, but have no means to get started on what I would much rather be doing anyways.
I can't get anyone to 'buy' into what I'm doing, because they have already dismissed me as 'improbable.'