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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectFeedback please of my website idea
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4364, Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by satyrical, Wed Jun-02-10 11:10 AM


I was wondering if people can tell me what they think about my website, and name ideas if you have any.

My goal is to have others who make money online, add their website and information about how they make money and how much. I've always loved the idea of making money while blogging but no one ever says if you have 1000 visits a day you will make about x amount using adsense, linkshare, etc etc.

anyway my website is :

Please give me any feedback even if it is negative, and if you think of better name ideas that would be great too. If you think the idea is stupid i will just give up before putting to much effort into it, adding articles and other information about making money online. Right now for the next month I just want it to be a directory (I do not have anyone who added their site, because i am not marketing it)

Soon I want to add some kind of ads to make money with it, if it is not a stupid idea.

Thanks for all your help!

4371, RE: Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by DeniseTaylor, Tue Jun-08-10 05:42 AM
Hi There

I don't think this is a stupid idea, because I'm sure a lot of people will want to know the information you plan on providing. However, there are many reasons why I think this idea will be difficult for you to make viable.

1. I looked at your site and while your design is cute, there is not much content. Without content, there is nothing to set you apart from other sites on the Net and therefore, you will probably receive very little traffic.

2. The industry you are embarking upon is one of the most competitive industries in the world right now. You are a small fish in a very big pond and it will be quite difficult to vie for the attention of the people you need to help you develop your site.

3. The reason people don't talk about "if you have 1000 visits a day you will make about x amount using adsense, linkshare, etc etc." is because it is impossible to evaluate traffic that way.

Some site concepts are naturally higher paying, and conversely, some are low paying. So some rely on traffic to make the numbers, while others are very profitable from the outset.

The trick with any online business is getting traffic, then converting that traffic to income. To be very specific, the process is called CTPM (Content->Traffic->Presell->Monetize). Read the ebook at for free. That will spell out exactly what I'm trying to tell you.

Now you could just leave what you have and see what happens. I suggest you create a site based on something you are passionate about or know a lot about. I think you'll find that much more rewarding and profitable.

Sorry if this comes across as gloomy, but having three e-businesses of my own, I'm shooting straight from the hip.
4375, RE: Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by ksmusselman, Tue Jun-08-10 04:20 PM
Denise nailed it. Your site has potential, but you really need to look at your competition and go to the site that Denise refers to.

I built my site with SiteSell's system too and it's the best investment of time and money you can ever make if you want a successful website.

One idea relating to adding content, maybe in each section the page could have an article of the different types of online jobs you can do in the Education field, Shopping field, etc. But the articles will need to be keyword focused and strategically placed.

Building a website or even a blog takes a lot of work; unfortunately the "gurus" out there have it wrong. You don't just build it and people magically appear. There's a lot more involved to making money with a website or a blog than just building it. :-)

Karen S Musselman (both powered by SiteBuildIt!)
4384, RE: Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by Pepperfire, Thu Jun-10-10 08:29 AM
So, now I'm curious as to what is defined as a successful website.

I have added my site to your list, so it's a start. If you'd like, I can tweet your site around and see who else will add their info.

I agree with the others who have suggested the site lacks content. You might want to consider using Guest Bloggers, experts in site design, site traffic driving, marketing, etc. who can add content to your site without it costing much, if anything at all. The more content you have, the more often you add content, the more people will come to your site.

I don't know how many people out there are going to be willing to give their numbers to you, people are fearful and will be protective of such things, I'm thinking. (But won't know until you find out.)

Questions you didn't ask in your poll?

1. How long was your website running before you sold anything from it.

2. What are the most effective ways that you drive traffic to the website?

I'm sure there are other questions that DIYers would like to have the answers to.

As for monetizing your website, it can be done, but the second that your site starts looking like ads for other sites, you'll begin to lose credibility, so it can become self-defeating. Make sure though that the ads you include are for legitimate targets of your site visitors.

I hope these thoughts help somewhat.


Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!