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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Looking For Ideas
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4347, RE: Looking For Ideas
Posted by DeniseTaylor, Mon May-24-10 07:36 AM
Wow! You and I have something in common.

I had my own medical billing business, too, but in learning to create a website for my company, became smitten with the process.

I now have two online businesses that operate out of my home, one of which is generating near-passive income for me. Once I found the way to create an online business, I lost my zip with medical billing. Websites are much more creative and fun, too. Plus with my businesses, I can work anywhere in the world at any time day or night, as long as I have Internet access. There is a lot of freedom in it.

In order to use your contacts in Italy in Germany, well, just pick a topic that's related. Any trips you take could be written off on taxes, too.

If you're interested in a step-by-step process on how you can create online businesses of your own, you could download a couple of free courses/books and get some training on it - see if it's something you'd be interested in.

One is called Make Your Site Sell, which teaches you how to create a site that gets target traffic that converts to sales, which is found here:

The other is called the Affiliate Masters Course which teaches you about Affiliate Marketing and how to earn income without having to have a product: