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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Will small businesses use a free service?
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4329, RE: Will small businesses use a free service?
Posted by DeniseTaylor, Thu May-13-10 07:56 AM
Hi Frank!

Very ingenious idea.

When I look at this, I see it as a game where people can get free stuff or deals on stuff they buy. I would think your vendors would be willing to pay for this, just for the promo aspect of it. However, in the beginning they probably won't pay alot, until you become a proven resource and gain a reputation. They will be interested in you if they actually see results.

What works great on the Internet is if you have a way for people to click through straight to the business. So putting links in the ad spot where the coupons are would be great. Of course, I assume you will be helping create websites for people who don't have them, right?

Of course, the everyday person - the man on the street - shouldn't have to pay anything, but should be coaxed to participate as they could win something valuable. The thing to think about is do you want them to be able to spin freely or is there a limit on that?

Now here's what I don't like about the idea.

It's confusing. Unless you were to explain in advance what the site is about (like you did in your post above), I can't tell when I click through. That could/will cause problems. The person has to get the message as soon as he lands on the homepage. And of course, if what I saw above is off the mark, it may be because of this "confusing" factor.

How will you get traffic and prompt people to go and spin? The way I see it, you will have to pay for traffic or you will have to hand-drive traffic to it. There isn't enough text on the pages to pull search engine traffic. Your domain name doesn't really indicate a keyword focused concept, either, which could mean you have a great idea, but if nobody finds it, it won't execute.

To correct:

I would find a way to add content to the site (besides the ads and coupons), so you will get search engine traffic. Try to make a cohesive site with researched keywords so you get targeted visitors. Coupons, freebies, giveaways is an example of genre I'm referring to.

The alternative would be to use ppc to drive traffic and make sure you have enough vendors that pay to offset the cost.

Fix the homepage so it is clear what is happening and what it is all about. Word it concisely so it's not confusing. If you want just want a spin and departure, that should be pretty easy to obtain.

It's hard to give all these concepts in a forum post without it getting a mile long, so hopefully this makes sense. Good luck!