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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectWhat Can We Do With 360,000 sq ft?
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3623, What Can We Do With 360,000 sq ft?
Posted by ctrail, Thu Apr-30-09 03:16 PM
I am part of a new management team at logistics and warehousing company. We are looking for innovative ideas for the building. We are located just outside of Greensboro, NC. Please give us some suggestions.

Chad Trail
3645, RE: What Can We Do With 360,000 sq ft?
Posted by jimkclifton, Mon May-04-09 07:14 PM
Have you thought of being a shipping/receiving location for network marketing companies in the area? Most of them have products that need to be stored/picked up/ etc.

Meanwhile, you might be interested in the part/time residual income produced with this simple home business: You have nothing to lose, so check it out. E-mail me if you have questions.

Good luck and have fun...
3653, RE: What Can We Do With 360,000 sq ft?
Posted by ctrail, Mon May-04-09 11:05 PM
That is a great idea! We will look into it.
