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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Please Help
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3437, RE: Please Help
Posted by eshields1014, Fri Feb-06-09 05:57 AM
He is trying to sell the business but no one is interested is the last I heard him say. He has brought up giving it to me and my boyfriend. I don't really want it. I have no interest in commerical painting construction and my boyfriend doesn't want to work for my dad which I can't blame him a lot of people agree they wouldn't want to work for there significate other parents. It doesn't help that my dad is different that most people so his sense of humor towards my boyfriend is sometimes offensive or his remarks and comments such ask always asking if he has a job when he had the same job for 3 years, so asking how his new job as a vacume salesman is going...When we told him that he makes great money anywhere between 2,000 & 5,000 a month. So it gets old and irrating we can only imagine what he would say if he worked for my dad. Not a road we are willing to go down.

Yeah I am focusing on the dog treats and its going well. But I guess with everything there is some unstableness.