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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectLooking for a clothing contract manufacturing company
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3008, Looking for a clothing contract manufacturing company
Posted by ROCKINJAVA, Sat Sep-13-08 12:35 AM
Me and a partner want to start selling clothing of our own design. We have the designs and a good start on the outlets to sell but I need to find a clothing manufacterer that can handle high end clothing. Any advice?

Thank you
3011, RE: Looking for a clothing contract manufacturing company
Posted by hostingdiva, Sun Sep-14-08 08:36 AM
If you're looking for a manufacturer, you should look at the Thomas Register -

Unfortunately, there are few clothing manufacturers that are left in the US - much of the textile industry (manufacturing wise) has gone over seas.

It sounds like you're just starting off those - be careful about jumping in with too much invested before testing the waters.

Good luck!


3013, RE: Looking for a clothing contract manufacturing company
Posted by Pepperfire, Mon Sep-15-08 04:31 AM
There are more than a few manufacturers in Montreal, Canada.

I recommend contacting one of them prior to going to China.

Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

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