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Topic subjectNeed your help with "catchy phrase"
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2977, Need your help with "catchy phrase"
Posted by PATTYCHERRY, Sun Sep-07-08 07:15 AM
Hello Everyone.

I had an earlier post about personal safety products.
I was so pleased to get a good response.

Well, we have put up our website (
since then and now I need to order some business cards.

I need a catchy phrase that will get people seriously thinking about their personal safety.

I posted an ad on another website that I thought was very thought
provoking. The title was:
Do you ever think that you will be attacked one day?

Are you one of those people who think it won't happen to them?
Do you have some kind of personal safety product you carry with you at all times?
Do you own a gun? Do you carry it with you or leave it at home?
Do you worry about your children being attacked or a home invasion?
Could you spot someone likely to be a victim?
Think of yourself and 3 good friends, which one of you will be a victim of sexual assault?

These are questions I hope you will really get you thinking. These questions aren't made to scare you, but to make you aware.

So many people say they "need" to do something about personal safety, but when? The time is now.
We need to be prepared for a stranger lurking in the parking lot watching you go to your car.
What about date rape? What about your daughter in college?
What about the guy watching you at the ATM machine.
Do you look in your car before getting in?

Now that you've started thinking about what happens in real life, it's time to protect yourself! Being aware of your surroundings is the most important step.

I think every woman and teenage girl should be carrying a pepper spray key chain if it's legal in your state.
I personally carry a stun gun and pepper spray keychain. My keys are in my hand and the pepper spray is ready to go.
I pray I never have to use it, but I feel much safer knowing I have it.

Personal safety products don't do you any good if you have to dig in your purse to get them. Criminals can attack in a matter of seconds, will you be ready?

You need to know what kind of personal safety products are legal in your state. You can find out what's available and what's legal for you at

If you decide to order something, please enter the name PATTY in the discount code on the order page. I will give a 10% discount.

Thank you.

You can email me at

Sorry it was so long, I just started writing and couldn't stop. lol

Please give me some ideas for my "catch phrase" on my business cards.
Thanks in advance.

2979, RE: Need your help with "catchy phrase"
Posted by FinallyAWinner, Mon Sep-08-08 06:47 AM
Hi Patty,

A long time ago during my summers in college I used to sell pepper spray door to door to businesses. It certainly gave me some experience with being an entrepreneur and sales.

This is just off the top of my head...and being for a business card it's gotta be short.....

"Scared Of Crime? Then Do Something About It !"

"Don't Let The Nighttime Turn Into A Nightmare. Stop Crime In Its Tracks"

"Had Enough Of Crime? Fight Back !"

"Why Be A Victim Of Violent Crime? Get Prepared"

Like I said just off the top of my head....hope that stirs up some ideas !!

2984, RE: Need your help with "catchy phrase"
Posted by ree4264, Mon Sep-08-08 01:06 PM
Here are some more "catchy phrase" ideas...

Are YOU vulnerable to an attack? Be prepared!
Violence happens when you least expect it. Be safe!
Who's lurking in the shadows? Protect Yourself!
Crimes happen. Don't Be the Next Victim!
You could be the next victim. Are you protected?
Crimes ALWAYS Happen. Are you ALWAYS protected?

2990, RE: Need your help with "catchy phrase"
Posted by Pepperfire, Tue Sep-09-08 07:59 AM
For the first time in all these years I've been posting here, I am absolutely blown away by the content of someone's posts. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, maybe it's because I'm naive, but is there REALLY a market for such things? I am shocked!

Geez, it's hard to wrap your mind around a marketing idea that you just don't get.

I'm trying...

So, here's my thought does using a tag line that frightens rather than empowers a good idea. So, thinking along those lines... I think whichever tagline you choose will be most effective if it triggers the reasons someone would be interested in your product...

Some thoughts...

Take control of your personal safety...
Self-Defense is all about YOU
Police yourself
Empower yourself
Free yourself

Sorry if these are cheesy and off-base, but I think I might not get the idea at all.

Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!
2998, RE: Need your help with "catchy phrase"
Posted by realdazz, Wed Sep-10-08 12:38 PM
Hi Patty,

This may seem over simplified but how about "JUST IN CASE!"

"JUST IN CASE!" Your purse get's snatched
"JUST IN CASE!" You get carjacked at the mall
"JUST IN CASE!" You are viloently accosted as you leave work
"JUST IN CASE!" Your home is invaded...

Are you truly prepared?......"JUST IN CASE!"