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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: topless coffee drive thru
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2840, RE: topless coffee drive thru
Posted by Pepperfire, Fri Aug-08-08 03:27 AM
I've slung coffee in my early adulthood... It's not something I'd want to do topless. But then, I wouldn't work at a Hooters either, so maybe my prudishness is colouring my thinking. But since you wouldn't be hiring my old carcass anyway, I doubt you'll have trouble find girls willing to work the counter; you won't be getting away with minimum wage, I imagine, though.

As Anthony pointed out, I would think you'll run afoul of decency laws. So, if you had a completely enclosed drivethrough, where the car had to pass through a tunnel or somesuch, so the drivethrough window was not visible to the street, you might just get away with it.

I live in a small town where there has been a strip club since the turn of the century. It's gone now and I realize that you're talking about only serving coffee topless, but the parallels, I think, are important.

I do not believe that this shop will be given the same power and respect it is due by the local Business Association. You will be relegated to operating out of the dark. Your business will have a reputation, instantly, amongst locals and it will be relegated to the same status as a brothel.

If you can live with the stygma and you choose a good high-traffic location and the coffee is good, you will most certainly find yourself with a nice steady stream of male customers.

That said, I gotta ask, are men that hard up that they really need a woman's gazongas in their face with their morning coffee???

Something for everyone, as they say.

I say go for it, but hope you don't set it up in my town. :D G-d, I'm such a prude. lol

Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!