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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Help needed
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2367, RE: Help needed
Posted by Phanntom, Fri Apr-18-08 05:38 PM
Hi Jiffy,

There you have your short answer. It's probably a safe bet to say that either the food quality or customer service suffers on the days you don't work there. Restaurants are by nature are very fickle businesses. In fact that's one reason banks hate loaning money for them. There aren't that many businesses that will survive over the long haul with an absentee owner. Employees will never care about a business the way an owner does.

Also, don't rule out the possiblity of theft. No business owner wants to think their employees are less than honest, but without the owner there daily, it's tempting fate.

You'll probably have to start working regularly again and try to build it back up again. I say try because it can be more difficult to win back a customer that left over disatisfaction than it is to gain a new one. I hope this works out for you...
Good luck