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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Where do I start?
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2350, RE: Where do I start?
Posted by swhitaker6, Sat Apr-12-08 07:49 AM
Wow! So much wonderful information. Thank you!

Actually, I have and still am writing down everything. It helps me know exactly what I want to do and yes, I have gone through lots of erasers. I have also thought about this being a non-profit but I need to make money because I want to be devoted to this full-time. I helped a friend of mine for three months doing this kind of work and I enjoyed it so much I didn't want to leave but I was just filling in for someone else.

Offering my services on-line is another great idea, thanks!

Here's another question. Is it possible to do this kind of work and get paid by the state or government? If so, how would I go about doing that? That way I could help very low and low income clients.

S. Renae Whitaker