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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Where do I start?
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2348, RE: Where do I start?
Posted by Roseb441702, Sat Apr-12-08 05:02 AM
>I want to help young people ages 18 - 30 who have had a bad
>start to learn basic office skills needed to get into the work
>force. My services would include basic office skills along
>with a self esteem course, how to find a job, how to interview
>for a job, resume writing, etc. but I don't know where to
>Any suggestions?
>S. Renae Whitaker

The place where you should get started would be with a pencil ('cause it has an eraser-LOL!) and paper. Write down your services and courses from start to finish. This can also be considered your business plan.

I know that it may seem like a lot of work but it will do nothing but help you in the long run!

Next you're going to have to decide if you are going to operate this as a for-profit, non-profit and/or a combination of both?

Next comes the question of WHERE you will conduct your business. And the person that replied to you before me had a lot of great suggestions about this.

Once you have decided the above then you can go to work on marketing and promoting your services. As a matter of fact have you thought about offering your services online as well? You will be able to reach a bigger audience (and more potential clients/customers) this way too.