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Topic subjectWhat to do and how to do it?
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2098, What to do and how to do it?
Posted by beckybee, Thu Feb-21-08 07:47 PM
I know I have a home business or small business in me, but I don't know where to start. I have these dreams of a quaint little homewares shop, but then I think "there are so many already - yours would be no differnt". I also am interested in budgeting and housekeeping/organizing, but I'm not sure where the jumping off point would be for those. Just because I'm INTERESTED in those things and do them at home, doesn't mean I'm GOOD at them. I can't think of anything original in those fields. Do others have this issue too?
2107, RE: What to do and how to do it?
Posted by raj, Sat Feb-23-08 08:35 AM
Yes....I have that issue as well. You just have to read about it.

rajesh rungta
2112, RE: What to do and how to do it?
Posted by bizdev, Sat Feb-23-08 10:30 AM
Oh, you bet others have this issue! I have owned different types of businesses and I finally came to the realization that is the actual starting up of the business that I enjoyed most. I actually enjoy creating business plans! I like researching new businesses. I love helping others with their business ideas. So, I created a business around business startups!

It's not always clear or obvious what you should be doing. Sometimes it takes some trial and error. So start small. Don't even attemp a full scale retail operation when you're not quite sure if that's what you want to do. It is difficult enough to launch a new business, you don't want to get stuck with something you don't love.

Peek through my site (below). Maybe some of the ideas there will spark some interest.

Small Biz Startup & Biz Plan Help
2133, RE: What to do and how to do it?
Posted by hcdjlj7, Sat Mar-01-08 02:12 PM
Yes I have similar concerns about my ideas. Guess what ... No one said you had to reinvent the wheel to be different. It will be different because no two people are alike and your unique personality will bring the difference to the sale not the item.

As for budgeting and organizing maybe get your feet wet by volunteering to teach at places like the YMCA/YWCA,or local youth centers, and or your local welfare department. That way you can get a taste of the reception and questions you might get without commiting your life savings and you can decide if that avenue will take you where you want to go.
2146, RE: What to do and how to do it?
Posted by babyjoy214, Tue Mar-04-08 07:54 AM

For me the only trouble your in is deciding if it is a go or not.. Please don't mind other people, If it's in your heart the idea, the strive and the want, then everything will set into place... it also depends on how interested you are really with what you do that brings success..


2101, RE: What to do and how to do it?
Posted by Pepperfire, Thu May-11-17 03:13 PM
"Do others have this issue too?"

They must.

I think that one of the most difficult things to do when trying to find a niche for yourself is pinpointing what you want to do especially if you have this underlying niggling fear; "what if I'm not good enough at this for other people".

They say that behind your biggest fear, is your greatest treasure... I believe that is true.

Perhaps you just need to get past your fear and realize that your "skill" or "talent" really is good enough.

Perhaps you aren't quite convinced that THIS is what you want to do, but know that you want to do something in this area.

That's easy advice... Visit your local business development center and get yourself an interview with their small business coach. Before you do anything else, you need to define your own Mission/Vision statement. Once that is clear in your mind, the business itself, whatever that happens to be, becomes secondary because whatever you do, will follow that road map.

You can get some information and advice about Mission/Vision statements here at IC:

Good luck


Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!