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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Infant and Toddler food website.
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2049, RE: Infant and Toddler food website.
Posted by Eireishgrl, Sat Feb-02-08 08:31 PM
I had heard from a couple of friends that there is a cafe in OB that caters to parents with children. It has toys and little couches, etc. I went searching for this place today. Boy, was I disappointed! It was a burger joint with a couple of comfy chairs in the corner and some toys. The place is dirty. I have no idea when the last time was thos eold toys were washed. Most were not working because the battieries were dead. The floor was filthy. I have no idea when the last time it was mopped. I'm not a prude at all. I believe a baby becomes more resilient the more it is exposed to. Within reason. But, this place was not at all a safe place for a baby to play in. Nice people. But, that's where it stops.

What I want to know is, do you think my idea of a comfy, safe, clean place where parents, both mothers and fathers can come and hang out and unwind while their kids play is a good idea? That is part of my idea. There will be a seperate area full of toys, walkers, bouncers, etc. People can come with their kids and have unscheduled playdates with other children and have time to unwind, have a coffee and home-made pastries. Comfy couches, tables, Wi-Fi access, a small reference library, newspapers & magazines. Maybe even have some young kid from a local college studying child-development playing with the children. Do you like this idea? I don't think there is another place like this anywhere in San Diego.