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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Hope I don't sound Bitter!
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2019, RE: Hope I don't sound Bitter!
Posted by Cybercatxq, Thu Jan-24-08 04:06 AM
Because you are a veteran (like myself) you are eligible for further schooling or training because of your disability. If the disability is service related you will naturally qualify for more benefits. In essence, because you have been displaced from the job market due to health conditions you likely qualify under the Chapter 31 SEH (Serious Employment Handicap)plan. You need to retrain or get further educational or job skills to become job market ready. To find out more about the program and its provisions (or other programs you may well qualify for) go to:

I just found out about this program last week through my DHS counselor and through further surfing the net on my own. Based on the county of the state I live in, I located a contact person, address and phone number to get the forms filled out. There is a monthly living allowance afforded to you also while you attend classes or take the classes online. Talk to someone associated with the VA as it will save you a lot of researching time. Other helpful information regarding educational pursuits and child care provisions for children 12 and under is also listed. I know of a tech support person who goes into people's homes that are military-related or disabled and in need of a person to tweak their computers and get them ready for online classes at home. The community colleges are now big on the online educational classes and they are used by everyone who wishes to learn new job skills from the comfort of their own homes, on their own time, around parenting or other issues. Personally, I am interested in web page design and hope to pursue that goal for my own business. So, even if you do not pursue the military avenue, you can still learn job skills through online sources. Good luck to you and don't give up hope. You just have to talk to the right folks sometimes. :-)