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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Selling my Stuff to Stores
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1819, RE: Selling my Stuff to Stores
Posted by juliarusso, Fri Nov-02-07 05:25 AM
Okay, let's assume you have the right profit margins set up on your products to sell wholesale. Can you supply the retailer on a regular basis? Will you have to take custom orders or do you have an inventory? Lots of details to tackle before selling wholesale---so if you have done your homework and are ready to present your products, I would suggest emailing images of the products to online retailers who may have your products' market interest.
For example, I have a website and a retail store that offers, along with our baby gifts, accessories for the bride. We have jewelry and want to offer other items. Email me your images or website address so we may consider your products.

Beyond your local and online testing, you can consider selling at retail during local shows, festivals and bridal shows to also test the interest. That way, you have the bugs worked out when a retailer asks what items sell.
So if you have something of interest, is readily available in quantity, drop me a note--I will consider your line.
'Good luck,