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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: What does everyone do?
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114, RE: What does everyone do?
Posted by DBeavers, Sun Sep-03-06 07:58 AM
>Now that we have a new Cyberschmooz (and while the archives
>are under reconstruction), we'd like you to re-introduce
>yourselves to the CS community.
>What's your name, and the name of your business?

I'm Dennis Bevers and my business name is BASSCO, Inc.

>What kind of business are you in? I sell promotional advertising to a wide range of business, industry, and gov't buyers. I discovered my niche in B2B (business-to-business) 22 years ago. The only real changes I've made in 22 years were the leaving my full-time job to expand my business to full-time career in 1987, and then later switching my affilation to another (better) distributor in '93.

>What sorts of advice do you have for others in your field?

There's almost no wrong way to do this business, if you truly believe in the power and value of promotional products. My advice is to challenge yourself to improve yourself professionally and don't stop working on your business until you are ready to leave the industry.

>What questions do you have of others that would help you in
>your business? :o Do you know anyone who currently uses promotional advertising in their business, who might be looking for different ideas or better prices?