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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Feedback please of my website idea
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4375, RE: Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by ksmusselman, Tue Jun-08-10 04:20 PM
Denise nailed it. Your site has potential, but you really need to look at your competition and go to the site that Denise refers to.

I built my site with SiteSell's system too and it's the best investment of time and money you can ever make if you want a successful website.

One idea relating to adding content, maybe in each section the page could have an article of the different types of online jobs you can do in the Education field, Shopping field, etc. But the articles will need to be keyword focused and strategically placed.

Building a website or even a blog takes a lot of work; unfortunately the "gurus" out there have it wrong. You don't just build it and people magically appear. There's a lot more involved to making money with a website or a blog than just building it. :-)

Karen S Musselman (both powered by SiteBuildIt!)