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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectFeedback please of my website idea
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4364, Feedback please of my website idea
Posted by satyrical, Wed Jun-02-10 11:10 AM


I was wondering if people can tell me what they think about my website, and name ideas if you have any.

My goal is to have others who make money online, add their website and information about how they make money and how much. I've always loved the idea of making money while blogging but no one ever says if you have 1000 visits a day you will make about x amount using adsense, linkshare, etc etc.

anyway my website is :

Please give me any feedback even if it is negative, and if you think of better name ideas that would be great too. If you think the idea is stupid i will just give up before putting to much effort into it, adding articles and other information about making money online. Right now for the next month I just want it to be a directory (I do not have anyone who added their site, because i am not marketing it)

Soon I want to add some kind of ads to make money with it, if it is not a stupid idea.

Thanks for all your help!