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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Is my idea for a business even possible?
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4245, RE: Is my idea for a business even possible?
Posted by hostingdiva, Wed Mar-24-10 04:35 AM
I understand that you are excited about this and you really want to make this happen. But, you need to sit down and do some real planning. You said that you are currently underemployed and in debt. This is going to be a problem because you don't have the investment capital you need to start your business.

So, what else can you do to get you to where you want to be? One thing you could do is look for investors. In this economy, this will be hard. Another thing you could do is start smaller. So, you can't offord an RV right now. What about using a car? Or maybe using a van or suv? You could also see whether you could rent an RV from someone. Maybe you could post an ad on and see whether someone in your area would be willing to rent their RV to you for a weekend?

No, you should not be mixing business and personal expenses if you can help it at all. Yes, you need special licenses. Yes, you need insurance. And yes, you need your passangers to sign some sort of liability waivers.

What you may want to do is just get a few friends together and do this as a one time thing so you see how it works. See what the kinks would be if you were to do this regularly.

Above all though, you're going to have to do a lot more research. Also, don't look at it as I have to have exactly what I have in mind right this second or I'm not going to do it at all. You have to take baby steps. So, you can't afford the whole vision right now - what can you afford? Start there :)

Best of luck! :)
