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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: Need help with online website
Topic URL
3276, RE: Need help with online website
Posted by jkundert, Sat Dec-20-08 07:07 AM
ok 1st off i like your site design, good job there, now you need to get people there, so take a look at marketing you website, maybe try seeing if you can get a local newspaper to do a feature article on your site and then build it from there. if your looking for content there are alot of content providers out there where you can use their content for your site. you state you want it to be profitable, may try finding some parenting ebooks and offer those for sale, if you buy the ebooks 1st you maybe be able to create a free article to get people to bite at buying the full version, you could also offer service where you do back ground checks on local daycare providers and baby sitters and then charge them to put their name and contact info on your site.

If i can be of any help to you please contact me.