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Posted by BigBrightBulb, Thu Mar-20-08 06:57 AM
First, congratulations on having a string of successful and profitable events! I help plan events occasionally, so I know some of the challenges. I can easily see needing 6-12 months to plan those precious 3 days.

I agree that doing a show each month is too much. A great idea, but I believe it would dilute the value of the event if you had it too often. As it is now, I suspect people look forward to your show all year (I know I would!). It could easily get taken for granted if it was too readily available.

However, I'm still going to offer this suggestion even though I know you're not keen on having the show more than once a year:

Consider having just one more 3 day show---in early December, in time for Hanukkah and Christmas and Kwanzaa? Not Black Friday weekend, of course, but the weekend after. Folks should be in a buying mood, and there's plenty of time to build anticipation and interest in the 6 month gap between shows.

That said, I'm going to chew on ways for you to earn income the other 362/363 days of the year. Like others have said, your trafficked website is the key...more soon :)

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