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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectwhere are you located? RE: What do you think of this idea??
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2057, where are you located? RE: What do you think of this idea??
Posted by CyberHost, Thu Feb-07-08 05:31 AM
This sounds like a great concept - I'm ready to sign up!

You offer solutions to a repeat problem I encounter...
a homeowner needs all these things done on a regular basis (like for the powerwashing, probably 1-2x/year, the housecleaning much more often).

Since you'd offer all the above, the homeowner (or any property owner, actually, like an owner of rentals, you'd save people having to research, interview then schedule this type service, then that type service, etc.

By offering cleaning both inside and out, you'd save the property owner a lot of time and the coordination hassles of dealing with a bunch of different providers. If you'd also offer carpet cleaning (I believe it could be quite profitable, considering what I pay!), then that would round out your array of services.

Go for it! I think you'd find it easy to get customers. Consider looking for owners of several rental properties and neighborhoods with "mature" owners (who probably don't want to do these things themselves).

Good luck!
Cyberhost at Idea CafeThe Fun Place for Serious Business(sm)