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Forum nameWorking at Home
Topic subjectRE: Need some Ideas
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872, RE: Need some Ideas
Posted by AdHocGroup, Tue Oct-21-14 05:21 PM
Hi Dennis,

Very nicely explained. Do you make any money on recruiting? Are you talking about one specific company to work for, or are you talking about being a rep in general?

Either way, would you be interested in rewriting the above as a guest blog? I do a blog for RVers who travel part and full time. If this is something they could do while traveling around the country, or living full-time in an RV, this may be the answer for some of my readers.

The reason I ask is that my time is over-committed because I'm re doing all of my courses in genealogy and working from home as video courses. This is very time consuming,taking about six to eight weeks per course, and there are 14 of them.

So, I'm recruiting some guest bloggers to provide good content and giving them a chance to promote their opportunities in the process. Most of my readers are people who want to go into business independently, some as external employees, but most as independent contractors or sales reps of one sort or another.

If interested, just reply here and I'll figure out how to get in touch with out either of us getting spammed.
