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Forum nameWorking at Home
Topic subjectCan't use apartment address as legal business address
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714, Can't use apartment address as legal business address
Posted by dnlm, Sun Jul-18-10 02:07 AM
Does anyone have suggestions for how to get around this problem?

I live in an apartment and my lease forbids me to use it for anything other than residential use. In philadelphia they charge a Use & Occupancy tax that my LANDLORD would be responsible for filing MONTHLY, if I use this address as my legal business address. That is why my lease forbids me to run a business from here.

So i need a business address for my DBA form, BPT (business privilege tax, another philadelphia tax burden) form, etc. I can't use a PO box I need a physical address. My business is a Music Publishing company, no physical product, no meeting clients, etc. I have no need for actual office space as everything I do will be via the web and phone/mail.

I would rather not incur the expense of renting full office space that I have no use for, just so I have a legitimate physical address for my business.

I have looked into office shares and sublets, as well as virtual offices. However, I'm not sure that either of these would provide the legal cover I need. Also even with virtual offices as low as $79/m, that works out to much more than the couple hundred dollars in Use & Occupancy tax I would pay annually if I simply owned my apartment/house.

Please suggest legal business address possibilities!!
