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Forum nameWorking at Home
Topic subjectRE: My New website
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198, RE: My New website
Posted by nielsencl, Sun Sep-02-07 09:00 AM
If you are serious about having a web site and especially one for business you will want to stay away from free web sites. Your experience with MySpace should have taught you that lesson.

The free sites have limitations that are there so you will get tired of them and "upgrade" to a paid account. They generally have ads on them and you don't gain any credibility with that kind of a site.

Since you can register your own domain name for $7-$15 a year and sometimes get a free site as well, wouldn't that make more sense? You can also have an email address that is at your domain and not someplace like AOL or Hotmail. It can really help the image of your business a lot.

And if you need to get your own web site because your domain registar does not offer one, you can also get them really, really cheap these days. How cheap? Well, I would say about $5 a month, more or less depending on the company and they kind of account that you want.

Oh, I forgot to mention that if you have your own site you can also have all of your site files. if something should happen to the hosting company, you can take your site to another host and you're back in business.

Nielsen Technical Services