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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: Some inspiration
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148, RE: Some inspiration
Posted by onerockinnurse, Thu Apr-10-08 06:35 AM
Good Morning Tam!

I agree that it can be very overwhelming when trying to decide which way to go when starting your own business. My husband is self-employed in our dairy businesses, we have 2 currenlty and let me say that like your husband it is very hard to take time off period for like years and years until you are actually able to get that business up and running.

There are alot of expenses and legalities involved when starting your own business from scratch which I learned quickly from our dairy business and knew that whatever business I would eventually start would not be one from scratch. I wanted something that people not only needed but were actually searching for. Plus a company that had at least 10 years in business and not a "starter company".

Choose wisely is all that I can offer you in the for of advice because when you do become 'self-employed' and working from home with that freedome there is always going to be some type of expense for that as there really are no "JOBS" from home like so many advertise out there on the internet today. What you will find as you know is Business Opportunities..

You'll know when you find the right fit just like we all have, and trust your gut instinct God put it there for a reason... I finally settled on my work at home company 8 months ago and haven't looked back once..It took years and years of trying and loosing money in stuff that didn't work.

Keep your head up and remember why your doing this: For your Family and to give them and yourself the Freedom we all deserve.

God Bless, jana :)