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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: Some inspiration
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125, RE: Some inspiration
Posted by findingdetails, Wed Feb-20-08 09:49 AM
>Hi Tam,
>I'm just now reading your two posts in which you indicate that
>you need some inspiration re moving forward in a new business.
>Please don't take this wrong, but as I read your post, what
>first comes to mind is that you have to adjust your thinking.
>First, purpose in your mind that you are going to find the
>positives in your current situation. Because when we are in a
>bad situation and we highlight the negatives, most of our
>energy is absorded and there is no room for the positive ideas
>to flow.
>It seems like you have a good grasp on the things that you are
>good at. Don't over anticipate if people are going to receive
>your business. Both of the ideas that you mentioned are
>already successful business ideas that people are doing. So go
>for it!


Thank you for your feedback, I went back and reread my post and I think you are right. Without even realizing it I have been focusing on what I so desperately want to change as opposed to how to go about making the change, thus stalling myself out. I feel as though I am paralyzed by the fear of failing and with the economy like it is I would really like to be able to just get my feet wet without leaving the security of my current job because finding another one would be very difficult. That is the reality of the situation. I think that going the route of hr related duties may be the way to go because I can complete work in the evenings and on weekends, whereas if I attempt errand services and I work elsewhere my availablitiy would be limited. Any other ideas, please toss em at me, I am open to exploration here!