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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: Reviving your Passion
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74, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by BizConsulting, Wed Jan-31-07 06:31 AM
Excellent question! I have found taking one day a month out of my office to reflect on my business helps me to stay passionate and focused on the right things.

Give it a try! It is tough at first because you think you need to be in the office working. On the contrary, this is great utilization of your time. Get out of the office. Turn off your cell phone, pda etc. Leave your lap top at work or home. Pick a quiet place where you can reflect with a pen and paper. Now, start thinking big. What changes can you make in your business? Just brainstorm and write down all of your ideas. When you are finished, rank them in order of importance. Reflect on the ones that make the most sense. Come up with a plan of action for your top 3 ideas. What kind of action can you start now to make these ideas happen?

You will find yourself re-energized about your business and focused on the right things.

Hope that helps.

SHB Consulting, Inc.

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