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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: Reviving your Passion
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51, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by Phanntom, Sat Oct-14-06 05:32 AM

By the time my company was about 3yrs old I found myself burning out periodicly. The long hours and stress just end up taking a toll until you really become ineffective at what you're trying to do. Once I realized what was happening I decided to pick one of my avocational passions, in my case it was writing.

I took 4-days off in the middle of the week (to avoid people) and drove down to San Clemente and checked into an old (from the 40's) motel right on the beach. Trust me, it was no 5-star, they only charged like it was. I took my laptop and once checked in went to the grocery store bought what I'd need for the 4 days and wrote short-stories for 4 whole days. For that time I could put myself anywhere in the world I wanted to be. I had the ocean crashing out my window, and silence inside. With no in-room phones it was the perfect getaway for me.

I did that every 6-months for years, until the business had grown enough that taking time off wasn't as big of deal, either because I could, or the daily pressures of running a business had simply smoothed out because it had grown enough.

That's how I dealt with it...each person has to find the escape that's right for them. A homemaker with a couple of kids might want to escape to a spa resort by herself for a weekend, or a stay at home dad might want a weekend where he can be by himself playing's different for everyone.
Hope this helps...