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Topic subjectReviving your Passion
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39, Reviving your Passion
Posted by OregonBum, Wed Aug-23-06 09:18 AM
As small business owners, I realize that our success depends on our passion (the reason we jumped out into business in the first place). And, I'm wondering what you do to revive that passion when life becomes ho-hum & just so-so...

If you don't mind sharing! :D I'd love to know - maybe it'd inspire me more...


Chris Kiltz
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41, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by iws, Wed Aug-30-06 04:18 PM
Ho-hum & just so-so...

Stop and close your eyes. Fast forward your life
10 to 20 years. Now vizualise EXACTLY how you want
it to be. Commit that to memory and and recall it
everyday until you achieve the desired results.

Your mind has greater power than you know.
Use it. It's a gift.
45, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by freejerky, Tue Sep-19-06 06:17 PM
I completely agree. I have my goals both large and small written down so I can see them every day. When I get off track I just think about what have I done today to put me futher to my goals. Normally looking at my kids will do the trick anyways since they are in the business too and I want to set a great example for them as a business woman as well as a Mom:D
47, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by DBeavers, Tue Sep-26-06 12:29 PM

I have a built-in passion renewal system in my business. I sponsor others who are interested in starting their own home-based business in the promotional advertising field.

As I visit with these newcomers to the industry, we start a dialogue. Pretty soon, they are feeding off my ideas and knowledge, and I'm feeding off their enthusiasm for a new-found career.

Works everytime.

Sure beats paying to attend one of those attitude-adjusting seminars.
And the cost of my toll-free number is tax deductible as part of my business.

Nothing like getting a free boost of enthusiasm and being able to write it off on your taxes.

Dennis Bevers
51, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by Phanntom, Sat Oct-14-06 05:32 AM

By the time my company was about 3yrs old I found myself burning out periodicly. The long hours and stress just end up taking a toll until you really become ineffective at what you're trying to do. Once I realized what was happening I decided to pick one of my avocational passions, in my case it was writing.

I took 4-days off in the middle of the week (to avoid people) and drove down to San Clemente and checked into an old (from the 40's) motel right on the beach. Trust me, it was no 5-star, they only charged like it was. I took my laptop and once checked in went to the grocery store bought what I'd need for the 4 days and wrote short-stories for 4 whole days. For that time I could put myself anywhere in the world I wanted to be. I had the ocean crashing out my window, and silence inside. With no in-room phones it was the perfect getaway for me.

I did that every 6-months for years, until the business had grown enough that taking time off wasn't as big of deal, either because I could, or the daily pressures of running a business had simply smoothed out because it had grown enough.

That's how I dealt with it...each person has to find the escape that's right for them. A homemaker with a couple of kids might want to escape to a spa resort by herself for a weekend, or a stay at home dad might want a weekend where he can be by himself playing's different for everyone.
Hope this helps...
53, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by josi, Mon Oct-23-06 06:36 PM
I love the ideas all ready given.

When I get burnt out, I take a day off, and then remember the fun in the details. Alot of the little things I do to keep biz going can be fun.


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63, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by hurtnpoet, Fri Dec-15-06 09:25 AM
good afternoon,
i think you have a valid question. it is so easy to get rapped up in the hustle and bustle of the business aspect, you forget what this meant to you initially.
my personal response to your question is this, whatever your passion is-----------every now and then you have to do it to please yourself. i mean, just yourself. for example, i am a writer. i am always writing for other people to enhance their lives in some way. well, i need a booster every now and then myself. so i will bring out a candle, some incents and pen and paper and just write. that brings me back for a while!
hope that helps ya!

aleasia hurt, CEO
74, RE: Reviving your Passion
Posted by BizConsulting, Wed Jan-31-07 06:31 AM
Excellent question! I have found taking one day a month out of my office to reflect on my business helps me to stay passionate and focused on the right things.

Give it a try! It is tough at first because you think you need to be in the office working. On the contrary, this is great utilization of your time. Get out of the office. Turn off your cell phone, pda etc. Leave your lap top at work or home. Pick a quiet place where you can reflect with a pen and paper. Now, start thinking big. What changes can you make in your business? Just brainstorm and write down all of your ideas. When you are finished, rank them in order of importance. Reflect on the ones that make the most sense. Come up with a plan of action for your top 3 ideas. What kind of action can you start now to make these ideas happen?

You will find yourself re-energized about your business and focused on the right things.

Hope that helps.

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