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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectStarting a Spa Business
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209, Starting a Spa Business
Posted by amylanemt1, Sun Jan-17-10 04:49 AM
I want to start a spa business where I go to clients' houses. I only deal with friends, family, coworkers, and referrals. Everyone says you never know a person and i could be in danger, but cleaning ladies go to peoples' houses all the time. I have a concealed carry license and wonder if I should carry a gun, but I know these people and I don't see any reasonable risk. I'm not a little girl who someone can easily overtake, but everyone thinks there will be attackers around every corner. Does anyone out there have a business where you go to clients' homes, and if so how do you handle it?
210, RE: Starting a Spa Business
Posted by salted, Tue Jan-26-10 09:16 AM
I've always been leary of this kind of thing and try to meet my clients in a public place if possible.

Obviously, that is not what will work with your company, so I would be interested to know what other people in your same sort of line of work have to say about this.

It sounds like a neat idea, though!