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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: Idea Cafe Founder Francie Taking New Entrepreneurial Leap
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161, RE: Idea Cafe Founder Francie Taking New Entrepreneurial Leap
Posted by Francie Ward, Sun Jul-13-08 04:02 PM

Thanks so much for your kind words.

I'm confident that Idea Cafe's strength of spirit (and fun!) will continue because it's bolstered by the biz wit and wisdom of so many gutsy entrepreneurs - like you. This confidence frees me to try a new direction. And I'm eager to literally embrace a hands-on approach.

I love the word you coined, "preneuraholic" - so true!

Sylvia, please keep dishing up your own zesty wisdom here in CyberSchmooz. You have helped many people here see a clearer path to their goals, find specific resources they need and hang in through those inevitable entrepreneurial valleys. So keep it coming!

I'll see you here in CyberSchmooz!


Francie Ward

Founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Idea CafeŽ