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Will Improving Customer Support Result in a Higher Conversion Rate?


Any business – online or offline – is constantly looking for a better conversion rate, you know, a juicier return of their investment. Chances are you want the same for you, and that is why we are going to discuss a hot and important topic: customer support and its links to conversion rate.

What will happen if you invest into it?

Will a better customer service experience lead to more conversions?

Is it a worthy investment?

Many questions, lots of them, but this article will answer them all, so you can realize the huge power of exceptional customer support. Open your eyes, because this could change your business forever. For better.

The Case For Live Chat

It is better to understand something when you have a clear and concise case, and that is exactly what happens with live chat. Here are a few yet solid facts:

  • 90% of customers affirm that live chat support was useful during the online shopping
  • 60% of customers would love to return to a website that offers such support channel
  • Customers are use live chat are x3 times more likely to buy your products.

Strong and convincing evidence, isn’t it? Therefore, if you are not currently using live chat in your website, then it is time to change it, because you are doing a great damage to your business by not implementing it.

It provides the perfect quota of human touch and immediacy to answers that your customers need to take better decisions, which means buying more from you.

However, consider that not all live chat solutions are efficient, that is why, in order to save you time, you should take a look to Kayako, the best live chat software in the market. The best is a strong statement, why so? Because it is fast, light-weight, customizable, provides context and can be integrated with many other support channels for an easy and smooth cooperation.

Now you have it, this is why live chat rocks, and a strong case for the link between exceptional customer service and a better conversion rate.

It Makes Customers Feel Important

When you provide an excellent customer service, and it includes personalizing the experience and making it feel personal, then your customers will feel important and special, which is fundamental for driving more conversions.

In this big and fast-moving world, it is easy to feel that you are just another number, but when a company addresses you like a friend and adds the perfect quota of human touch, things change. Gray skies turn blue, out of a sudden, all thanks to proper customer support.

Call your customers by their name, bring context, be patient, engage them well and you will obtain magnificent results. It may sound a bit complicate, but when you have a solid customer support software that simplifies everything, it becomes a walk in the park.

When customers think of your brand, they need to feel good emotions; they need to link your brand to satisfaction and happiness. This is what you want to accomplish, and exceptional customer support is the easiest way to do so. This will make them come back to buy more, they will protect your reputation and this will make your business grow to new levels.

It Increases Trust

As a direct consequence of all the aforementioned, you will increase trust with your customers. They will see that they are dealing with a brand that cares about them and treats them like human beings, not just numbers, and they will reward you for it.

People need to trust you to buy from you. That is why it is important to pair excellent products/service with an incredible customer service experience. It is the ultimate pack to boost your conversion rate through the roof, and you are going to experience it firsthand. You will be amazed.

Closing Down

Can you see it? This is why excellent customer support is linked to a higher conversion rate. It is one of the areas where your business can improve the most. So, why avoid such a massive opportunity for growth? Take action today and make things happen!


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