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Why Real Estate Agents Should Schedule Days Off
Working in real estate is a demanding job. At any given moment you have numerous clients to juggle, along with their properties. In addition to this, you might work more than your friends in other industries. Most real estate agents don’t get to enjoy the typical 9-5 work life. You might work weekends and on holidays trying to sell all of your St Albert real estate. Any personal time you take off could lead to fewer sales, so you might skip out on it. While you might be in the habit of doing this, it could be hurting you. Avoid burnoutYou might think that you’re just a hard worker and dedicated to the job, but working with no time off isn’t good for you. When you work for too long, you could get burned out easily. This can affect every aspect of your life if you don’t fix it. Burn out due to overworking yourself is something many people experience today. Work can carry over into your personal life and leave you feeling groggy and stressed, even when you aren’t working. If you’re feeling overworked, your work might even be suffering. You won’t be able to put your all into a task and you could be losing your passion for the job. It might seem counterproductive at first, but you actually need time off to get work done. How to take time offWith the life of a real estate agent, it might seem difficult to be able to take time off in the first place. It might require you to do some extra work than some other jobs, but it’s certainly possible to do. Plan aheadIf you plan to take a few days off coming up, it’s important for you to plan ahead for it. Sometimes this might require you to work a little more each day than you normally would. If you need a long break, the extra work beforehand will be worth it. You can try to space this work out ahead of time so that it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. You might find that some work can be pushed back for after your days off as well. Schedule set days offTaking off random days each week can make it more difficult for you to get work done. If you find that there’s less work to do certain days, take those off every week. This sets a schedule for you to work around. Eventually, you’ll be in the habit of having these days off so it will make taking them off easier. Give clients office hoursEvery real estate agent has had a client call them while they were trying to spend time alone or with family. Sometimes, there’s an emergency and you have no choice but to get involved. Other times, dealing with a client isn’t necessary and it’s just an inconvenience. Let your clients know what time your office hours are so that they aren’t trying to contact you all hours of the day. This will at least give you some time for yourself. Hire an assistantNot everyone will be able to do this, but consider hiring an assistant. If you don’t want to work as often and you have the money, an assistant is exactly what you need. They can help with any extra assignments and significantly lighten your workload.
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