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Top 5 Best VPN Services of 2017

In case you didn't know this already, VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and it's one of the most useful protection tools nowadays. A good VPN can help you protect your computer and the data on it against hackers. On top of that, such a service also gives you extra levels of privacy by hiding your online activity. On top of that, you can geo-spoof your location through your VPN, which means that you can access websites or content that isn't available in your country.

Here are the top five best VPN services of 2017, in no particular order.


The main advantage of VyprVPN is that it owns and controls its entire network, which makes for the fastest connection possible. The service has no usage logs, and it helps defeat port blocking and various other issues. On top of that, its Chameleon technology makes it incredibly stealthy, therefore you can rest assured that your privacy is protected at every step.

2. IPVanish

This particular service comes along with excellent privacy credential due to its lack of logs and bitcoin style of payment. On top of that, torrenting is allowed when using it. IPVanish's DNS leak protection and its smart DNS are some other top features the service provides its usfers. However, if we were to mention one con, that would be customer support, which is lackluster at best.

3. Express VPN

The number one pick on this particular list of best vpns, ExpressVPN is surely a favorite among many users of such services. This is mostly due to its fantastic 24/7 customer support, as well as its robust encryption features and the fact that is has servers spread across 94 countries in the world. However, its main flaw is its price: ExpressVPN is the costliest service on this list, but you get what you're paying for, that's for sure.

4. Buffered

Buffered is a Hungarian VPN service whose geographical location makes it perfect for US and UK citizens because it's outside the reach of their information collecting agencies. The best thing about it has to be its port discovery feature, which is unique among VPNs. A main downside to Buffered is that it does keep some connection logs, which is a big minus as far as privacy is concerned.

5. VPNArea

VPNArea is another VPN service whose geographical positioning (Bulgaria) makes it ideal because it's outside the reach of the NSA and GCHQ. It has great speed and servers in 47 countries. However, while the service works perfectly fine, it's certainly the weakest one on this list. Still, its basic features make it worthwhile and it's certainly a fantastic value for money. You certainly will get what you pay for, and you won't have to pay a lot.



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