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Small Businesses Need to Think Outside the Box to Market Themselves


It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that marketing for a small business is vastly different than marketing for a large company. Your small business needs to present itself in a way consistent with the local ideals, while the larger companies can get away with far more. Since you need to consider how you approach your marketing, you should also think about how to market in a way that will set you apart from the other competitors in the area. Most commonly, small business owners do this by networking in a series of ways, or through special merchandising. Even giveaways and raffles are common in these marketing strategies. To help you break out of the same category as your competitors, here are some fun and interesting ideas to help you market to the locals and get your business rolling.


Some Memorable and Great Ways for You to Market

If you want to figure out a way to stand out, then your marketing techniques need some serious consideration. The more you think out of the box, the more successful you can be. Here are some great ideas to consider!

Get Branded Stuff and Give It Out

Your business is a brand, from the logo to the name, even the colors that are used, and you, yourself. It’s important that when you play the marketing game, you come prepared with an arsenal of tools: branded, promotional products. Some of the best ways to do this are cheap and repeatable. Get custom pens and pencils and either spend the day giving them out to people, or send out an employee on a fun trek through the city to leave them in mysterious and interesting places. Have some statues around the city hall? Drop one-off in a lion’s mouth or a planter. A kid will definitely find it. (Extra props if you make them nice pens because those are sought after by everyone!)


Think About Using Unexpected Stuff for Branding

Okay, so you don’t immediately want to put your business’ name on a roll of toilet paper, that’s understandable. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t explore other, off-the-wall options. Consider having branding printed on dog bowls and leave them outside filled with water for dog walkers and their dogs. Or go with an even less traditional route and use unexpected objects in different ways. For example, use a branded flashlight to dispense candy or hand sanitizer.


If You Are Beaten Out by A Competitor, Outsmart Them

Depending on your particular business the effects of this will come in time. What is meant by this tip, is creating something which everyone will want despite the competitor’s presence. The perfect example of this is a beer being sold by the competition, and you giving away free beer cozies that place your branding over the original can. Get creative with how you market and you’ll be surprised at the response.


Get Your Product Into The Hands Of Your Potential Clients

One of the best ways you can market your business is by putting your product into the hands of the customer without them realizing it. Much like unique ways to sell a resume, you should consider coming at the subject in a way that will both promote your business and give the client something unexpected. For example, if you are a small business that specializes in escape rooms, send your potential clients puzzle boxes, which reveal your business information in them (and maybe a coupon) after they are opened.


Consider The Unexpected and Shock Value

Some of the most interesting (and clickable) stuff on the internet has been done by small businesses. If there is something that you can do which will create a shock factor in your community, you’re sure to go viral. Try using a pun off of your business name, and approach it from a surprising—not harmful—viewpoint. Something savable and collectable is always the way to go with these strategies.


Brand To Your Audience

If you know your clientele, this shouldn’t be an issue for most owners (although it can be difficult sometimes). Use your ability to brand to give your clients something that they are in need for. During the pandemic a lot of people turned to branded masks to tout their businesses. However, those masks aren’t great usually and most of the time they are thrown out or lost in a car. Instead, really think about who your clients are and what would help them the most. If you are a small business that deals chocolates, what do your clients need? Something which will protect the chocolates they buy, of course, but also something that can be used away from your own product… a temperature-controlled satchel for the car maybe?


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