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Skills Needed To Succeed in Advertising


Just like all fields, advertising requires a unique set of skills that many people simply do not possess. Those that do possess all or most of the qualifications, however, are likely to excel in the industry. If you're trying to determine whether or not a career in advertising is right for you, evaluate your skillset to determine if you have what it takes to succeed in the field.




Advertising involves using a new or unique approach to market an otherwise old and boring product or service. This may prove to be a difficult task for someone who doesn't have a creative bone in their body. If you hope to land one of the many of the open advertising jobs San Diego, you need to convey your creative side via your resume, cover letter, and quite possibly a professional online portfolio.




Advertisers are in the business of selling a product or service to the public. Oftentimes, the product or service one is forced to work with is less than sexy, or consumers already have one just like it at home. An advertiser's job is to market the product or service in such a way that consumers MUST have it, even if they don't really NEED it. If you're that type of person who could sell ice to an Eskimo, a career in advertising may be for you.


Problem Solving


Advertisers are routinely called upon to resolve last minute issues on a short notice. More often than not, said last minute issues have to do with sales. For this reason, industry experts must be quick on their toes and able to come up with an appropriate solution to just about any dilemma on the spot. If you're quick on your toes, and if friends and family routinely turn to you for words of wisdom, you may have what it takes to excel in the field.


Listening Skills


According to the experts, listening is the most essential skill an advertiser can have. Advertisers need to understand what people want and portray the company's offerings as the solution for which consumers have been looking. Active listening skills are a must if you hope to succeed in the field as it ensures you are able to figure out and answer your audience's needs. Forbes shares 10 tips to up your listening game.


Money Management


Advertisers are given a strict budget within which they must work. Rarely will companies be happy to extend a budget because the advertising team "accidentally went over." For this reason, strong money management skills are a must-have for anyone who hopes to work in the industry. If you can communicate your ability to manage resources well via your resume and cover letter, you stand a good chance of being called in for an interview.


A career in advertising can be exciting and lucrative – if you have the skills for it. If you can prove to potential employers that you're creative and persuasive and that you have strong problem solving, listening, and money management skills, you may discover that you have the lucky problem of having too many job offers from which to choose, and not the unfortunate problem of having none.

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