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A Simple Guide For Using Social Media Marketing For A Restaurant


Getting people into the seats for the entire lunch or dinner rush is the dream of every restaurateur. The trick is attracting customers to your restaurant when there is so much competition. People have loads of options and may not even know about your restaurant.


This is why marketing is so important. Social media is one of the most important marketing tools for restaurants as it is a new version of word of mouth. A commercial on TV or radio doesn’t do much for a potential customer. But a social media share from somebody they know is very powerful.


In this article, we will go over what it takes to use social media as the ultimate marketing tool for your restaurant.


It’s all about the image

Social media works because it is so visual. Seeing beautiful pictures of your restaurant is going to make people interested in seeing more. Instagram is especially powerful since the whole platform is dedicated to telling stories through pictures.


Make sure to have a very solidified look and style for your restaurant that will pop on Instagram. You should feature the best bar furniture Sydney has to offer that will look amazing in a post.


Another key with the images is to be consistent. It should have a style that is instantly recognizable to the people following your social media accounts. The only way to achieve this is to make sure that the elements are the same or consistent throughout every post.


Tell your story

People go to a restaurant for the good food and drinks and the atmosphere. They can get that mostly everywhere, however. What makes customers fans of your restaurant is having an emotional connection. This is where social media can come into the picture.


Use the accounts to show behind-the-scenes life in the restaurant to highlight the personality of the staff. Show how the work is done and what using quality ingredients is like.


People love to see what the creative process is like for chefs and bartenders so this is the opportunity to give a glimpse into how it works in your establishment.


Get them on the list

The very first post you make should send people to a landing page where they can sign up for the email list. People on the email list are asking to be marketed to so make sure that you take advantage.


Your focus should be on sending helpful emails on a regular basis. This will make it so you don’t seem pushy or are just trying to drum up business. Think about sending a weekly recipe email for something that you are featuring on the menu that week. Or, give some other helpful hints that people will look forward to reading.


Only occasionally should you send an email promoting something like a coupon or special you think people would be interested in. this is the best way to stay in contact with your customers as you aren’t relying on a social media algorithm for them to see your messages.


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