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Keeping Your Email Marketing Campaign on Point in 2018
A lot of digital marketing experts consider email marketing to be one of the oldest tricks in the book, however this isn’t necessarily true. While email marketing has been around for so long, the email marketing we know today is far more advanced than what it was a few years ago. In fact, email marketing is now more than sending promotional emails to recipients. It is as much about building a relationship with the audience as much as it is about communicating key messages. Today’s email marketing is also more challenging. Users are more sensitive to spam emails and problems in user experience. There are also more businesses, particularly small businesses, using email marketing as one of their digital marketing instruments. To keep your email marketing campaign on point and effective in 2018, here are the top 5 tips you can use. Refine Your PropositionsThere is no doubt that email is a handy digital marketing instrument to use. It is direct and personal, and it can be used to deliver a wide range of messages effectively. That said, promotional emails are far less effective than they were a few years ago. Users don’t really pay attention to promotional emails anymore. Getting them to subscribe in the first place is also more challenging. To keep your email marketing campaign effective – and to get more users to subscribe – you need to be more specific and targeted with your propositions. Offer exclusive discounts, useful information, and additional value that users can only get from the newsletter. Exclusive deals work best for retailers, while special and engaging stories are suitable for brands in general. Refine Your ContentNow that you have clear and highly-targeted propositions, it is time to stick to them and keep your promises. As mentioned earlier, users are less interested in reading emails, especially when they are long and pointless. Forget about formal greetings and other fluffs we normally add to the beginning of our emails; just get to the point and keep the recipients interested. It is also necessary to keep the emails short. Instead of adding a lot of information to the email message, keep each part of the message short and refer to a longer explanation on your site or landing page if you have to. Clean Your ListAnother great way to keep email marketing as effective as it can be is by cleaning the list regularly. There is no point in sending messages to email addresses that are no longer used, recipients who aren’t really interested in your propositions, and the wrong audience segment altogether. SendinBlue published 5 top email list cleaning tips not too long ago; all of the tips presented in the post are very handy and incredibly effective. You can use polls, monitor user engagement as a key metric, and even use email marketing automation to track emails that bounce automatically. These strategies will help keep the email list highly targeted and very effective. Add ContinuityStorytelling is only going to be more important in 2018. It is easy to understand why users are more interested in following engaging stories rather than reading individual promotional messages; stories are more relatable and enjoyable to consume. You can utilize storytelling to boost the engagement rate of your email marketing. You can, for instance, promote a product by telling a story on the unique ways the product was used by existing customers. You can share behind-the-scene stories, stories about the people of the company, and other intriguing topics to keep the audience interested. To tie everything together, add continuity to your email marketing campaign. Give the audience something to look forward to with every email you send. Maintaining engagement and keeping the list effective will be much easier to do once the recipients are hooked. Don’t Be AnnoyingThe most important tip of them all, however, is to not be annoying. Growing an email marketing list isn’t easy. You have to do a lot of promotions and utilize other platforms to attract subscribers; that’s only the beginning. Once you have subscribers, you need to generate valuable contents to keep them interested and engaged. Avoid annoying your users – and target users – throughout their experience with your newsletter. Stop using huge popup ads to get people to subscribe; add a subtle but strong call to action to your footer instead. Keep your promises and fine-tune your email messages for the audience. More importantly, make it easy for existing subscribers to unsubscribe and don’t forget to learn from that loss. Combined, these tips will help you keep your email marketing campaign on point in 2018. Sure, the market is more competitive than ever and yes, users are more selective with what they want in their inbox. These are challenges to crack and you have just the tips to crack them; you know the rewards you get in return are worth pursuing.
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