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Investing in Charity Can Bring Benefits To Your Business And Your Community


Businesses and investors aim to make profits and achieve a good return on their investment. In doing so, they also make significant contribution to society and their communities by investing in ventures that provide innovative goods and services, as well as employment to citizens, thereby providing them with an income source and a better quality of life. There’s however been increasing pressure for businesses to be more socially responsible by doing more for the wellbeing and quality of lives of citizens as well as the sustainability of their communities, in return for the social capital they enjoy. This has seen an increase in the number of businesses now investing funds, knowledge and skills in the causes and ideas that are close to their hearts.

Investing to make a social impact

A survey by Swell Investing and Harris found that 78% of investors either currently invest or plan to invest in a cause with social benefits. Businesses and financiers are committing to positive changes both locally and globally, donating and investing in causes that reduce poverty, protect the environment, improves health, protects human rights, and brings educational opportunities to many children, which would not have been possible. Entrepreneur and investor Jason Sugarman, believes that businesses and donors have an important role to play in ensuring that children have access to good education.

Benefits for your business

Investing in social causes clearly brings benefits to the community, but there are benefits to your business as well. Investing in social enterprises or impact investing for instance can generate financial returns for you and your business. In a survey of impact investors by Global Impact Investing Network, 91% revealed that the returns from these investments were in line with or exceeded their expectations. Achieving both customer loyalty and retention as well as employee motivation and retention are other benefits you can expect. A Cone Communication survey revealed that about 82% of consumers will only use goods and services from companies involved in corporate social responsibility. Similarly, a PWC survey showed that 86% of millennials would work for companies involved with social activities and causes. There are also reputational benefits to your business, as such investment decisions are seen as ethical. You are likely to enjoy trust and respect from your customers, employees, business partners and from society.

Investing in social and charitable causes brings many benefits to investors, businesses and society, and should be pursued.  Charitable causes are also a good way for entrepreneurs and financiers to build a sustainable legacy in the social causes they care deeply about thereby bringing about positive changes.


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