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The Importance Of Brand Storytelling For Marketers: 4 Tips For Success


In today’s competitive market, brands are constantly competing with one another to gain the loyalty and trust of consumers.  While brand storytelling isn’t exactly a new concept, social media has made it more prevalent than ever for brands to use this method as a way to appeal to an audience.  Due to the nature of today’s market, storytelling is essential for any brand that wants to grow their audience and form bonds with their customers.  Here are 4 tips for how to use brand storytelling as a growth strategy.

Be Authentic & Transparent

A good brand story has the ability to pull emotion from an audience.  One important rule of thumb is to identify the core values of your audience.  One of the mistakes many brands make is failing to be totally authentic and transparent with their audience.  While you are essentially creating “stories”, it is important to make sure these stories are actually relevant to your brand and align with your values.  Consumers can sense when a brand isn’t being authentic, and putting out a false or exaggerated version of your brand’s beliefs and values can actually drive your customers away.  When creating your brand’s story, make sure you’re putting out a story that’s rooted in your brand’s real-life values, and practice consistency in your message.

Storytelling Should Separate You From The Competition

Your brand is unique, and brand storytelling is a great way to set you apart from the competition.  Think of it this way- the deciding factor for whether a customer decides to go with your brand or a competitor can be as simple as which brand has the stronger story.  As I mentioned earlier, it is important to stay true to your brand’s actual values and beliefs when sharing your story, so keep that in mind when storytelling. Rather than telling your audience why they should choose your brand over a competitor, show them.

Make Your Audience Feel Like Part Of The Story

This is one of the most important parts of brand storytelling.  Your audience wants to feel like they’re purchasing a piece of a story, not just a product.  One way you can do this is by using social media to share intimate glimpses of your brand’s story and values.  For example, if your company is holding its annual holiday party, be sure to share pictures to your social media pages and let your audience in on the fun.  Additionally, you can share any company news, events, or employee wellness programs as a way to appeal to your audience and make them feel like part of your brand’s culture.

Stay True To Your Values

Staying true to your values goes hand in hand with being as authentic and transparent as possible.  It is important to never stray from your brand’s core values, as consistency is key when building genuine relationships with customers.  Gaining your audience’s trust and keeping it is imperative to maintaining long-term relationships with each and every customer, so make sure you are staying true to your brand’s story.


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