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How to Start Your Own Successful Cleaning Company


An increasing number of people are deciding to go into business for themselves and become their own boss. As of 2020, the number of small businesses in the U.S. was 31.7 million. (1)

If you are also thinking of becoming your own boss, you might be wondering what industry to enter. With all the business options to choose from, a cleaning business is relatively simple, as it requires little to no experience to begin and has low start-up costs. This means you can get your business up and running in a short space of time, making it an attractive option, especially if you have some initial capital to get you started and are passionate about cleaning for others.

If you are wondering where to begin, read on for guidance on how to start a cleaning business.

Target Market

Like in any other business industry, starting a cleaning company also starts with identifying your target market. As a tip, ask yourself, ‘do you want to provide residential cleaning services only, or will you offer commercial cleaning as well?’ It may be advisable to start with one sector before expanding into other areas once your business has become profitable and reputable. Doing so will also allow you to manage your capital.

Furthermore, by identifying your target market, you can then research similar services offered by your competitors and the rates they charge, allowing you to set up a marketing strategy that will set your business apart. Take note that your business must have a distinct appeal that makes it different from other companies offering the same cleaning services.

Additionally, by deciding on the type of clientele you want to clean for, whether residential or commercial cleaning, you can then identify their specific needs and tailor your business to meet them. Of course, if your cleaning company starts to see significant profit, you can cater to both target markets.


Once you have decided on your target market and the services you will offer, it is time to market those services and attract clients. Fortunately, you will never fall short of ways to market your cleaning company. As a start, here are some of the ways to advertise your business:

  • Advertise: Put up flyers and ads in local newspapers or magazines and print your business name and number on your van. This will help grow your visibility and reputation, which will ultimately build brand recognition.


  • Website: Create a website for your business that will rank well in a Google search. This way, people searching for a cleaning company near you will get directed to your site.


  • Referrals: Ask your friends and relatives if they or anyone they know of need cleaning services. You could offer a special rate to new customers to entice them.


  • Facebook: Create a Facebook page for your business stating the services you offer and the areas that you cover. Post interesting and relevant content to attract followers, too. Do not forget to ensure your contact details are visible.


  • Paid Ads: You can pay per click for Facebook, Google, or Instagram ads to generate leads and paying customers. (2) Since almost everyone is on social media these days, you’re assured that potential customers will notice your business, introducing you to a much wider network.


  • Networking: Build connections in your local community and inform people about the existence of your cleaning company. Attend networking events and contact real estate agents and other businesses which may be able to refer your services.


Purchase Supplies

Make sure you arrive prepared for each cleaning job. This can be achieved by making a list of the essentials and stocking up on a supply of good quality products. In addition to the basics, such as a bucket, broom, and vacuum cleaner, use ecologically friendly, non-toxic products that won’t damage furniture and other surfaces. These products won’t leave a trail of noxious fumes, too, safeguarding the health of your staff and clients.

Using products that are better for the environment could also distinguish you from your competitors, giving you a unique selling point and an advantage with potential customers.


Indeed, starting a business, like a cleaning company, can be a scary task, especially if you don’t know where to start. Fortunately, by following these three tips, your cleaning business will be on the right track. What’s left for you to do now is to apply these tips and get started.



2. “Paid Advertising”,


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