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How to Add CBD Drop Shipping to a Profitable Business


Many people with successful, profitable businesses are looking for a way to expand. Especially if you feel like there’s a niche in the market that your business could reach out to, you might want to see whether you can expand to reach that part of the market. CBD drop shipping may be an option if you’re looking for a new market to expand into. Here are the steps you should take if you want to add CBD drop shipping to your existing business.

1. Research CBD Legality and Regulation

The first step here should be researching CBD thoroughly. By its very nature as a supplement, there are certain legislative requirements you’ll have to abide by. Plus, CBD is a little different from some other supplements because manufacturers derive it from the hemp plant, which makes it more tricky in some cases.

Your best bet is in talking to a lawyer before starting to offer CBD. Not only will you have to learn more about whether or not you can ship CBD to certain states, but you’ll need to make sure your web copy doesn’t violate any FDA requirements.

2. Determine Where CBD Fits Into Your Business

Next, you need to think about where CBD fits in your business. Sure, it may be a profitable venture, but if your business has nothing to do with health and wellness, customers might be confused at the addition of CBD into your offerings.

For example, a company that sells yoga gear may find that CBD fits right into their image. A company that sells web hosting services is much less likely to be able to incorporate CBD into their sales. Find your angle and run it by your marketing team to see whether it will work for your needs.

3. Decide Whether You’ll Open a New Business Arm or Not

From here, you have two options: opening a new business arm or selling your CBD on your existing site. These are two approaches that both offer pros and cons.

Opening a new business arm allows you to dedicate an entire mini-brand to the CBD sales. If you’re hoping to sell multiple wellness products in this arm, you can even develop your image around that. However, it can also be more difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to do so.

Choosing to sell CBD on the site you already maintain doesn’t allow you to create a brand as extensively as a new business arm would. However, you get to use your existing customer base and website design, meaning you’ll be prepared to launch earlier.

4. Decide What You’ll Give Customers That Other Sellers Don’t

This is the biggest problem plaguing drop shippers. Especially if you’re pricing your products around the same price as the original manufacturer, which most drop shippers do, you need to give your customers a reason to come back to you. Why would they not just go to the original manufacturer instead?

There are a few popular methods of maintaining your customers after they buy from your store. Extremely high-quality customer service is an important part of it. You may also want to establish some sort of loyalty program so your customers want to come back to you over and over again. It could also be helpful if you sell multiple products, so your customers can buy them all at once.

5. Find the Right CBD Drop Shipper

Lastly, you want to set up your drop shipping account with the right CBD drop shipper. One of the biggest concerns with drop shipping is that you have no control over the quality of the product. The quality of the product relies solely on the quality control measures the manufacturer puts in place.

To this end, it’s a good idea to invest in an option like the Charlotte's Web CBD drop shipping program. It might be more expensive than some competitors, but you and your customers can rest assured that the product is more high-quality than competitors’ products. That makes it well worth the extra cost.


Overall, there are many different things to think about if you’re considering a drop shipping program. Of these things, your choice of CBD drop shipping program is definitely one of the most important. Remember that the quality of your CBD will determine whether or not customers come back. That’s why investing in Charlotte's Web’s CBD drop shipping will be the most beneficial for your business.


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