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Food Label Software


Food labeling is an integral part of the nutrition business. To sell in many areas, it is a legal requirement.

At first, manufacturers used food labels solely for branding purposes to help their loyal customers quickly locate their products.

Today, food labels are used to inform buyers about the product’s nutritional content and help them make better health and purchase decisions.

For instance, a buyer who is allergic to a particular food will be able to see if it is in the food he is trying to purchase or not.

Benefits of food labels

Food labeling offers benefits for both consumers and manufacturers.

  • Nutritional information

Labels help buyers to understand the composition of the food they are about to buy. It is also a great way for manufacturers to showcase the special ingredients in their products.

For instance, food free of sugar would be more appealing to diabetic patients. Likewise, people watching their weight are more likely to purchase food with low calories and saturated fats.

All of these can be assessed by merely checking the label.

  • Storage guide

Food not well stored is prone to becoming contaminated with bacteria and other harmful organisms. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 3,000 die from food poisoning yearly, while 1 in 6 Americans get sick for the same reason.

Labels allow manufacturers to inform consumers of the best way to preserve the food to avoid any contamination. The best way to use it can also be written on the label, such as cooking instructions.

  • Branding

The significant difference among products on a shelf is their name which is communicated through labels. Without this, they would all have been considered the same.

Some companies are facing the issue of counterfeits. Labels offer the option to inform buyers how to confirm the original from the company.

  • Contact details

The law in some areas mandates a business must disclose its location and contact address. Even though the reason for such a requirement is understandable, it, on the other hand, allows the firm to communicate its contact to potential customers.

  • Prevents allergy

Informing consumers about the ingredient in the food helps them keep away in case they are allergic to any of the constituents.

This can save the prospective buyer from possible complications and, at the same time, prevent unnecessary lawsuits against the producer of the product.

  • Reduces food wastage

It is easy for buyers to determine when a food is no more suitable for consumption. This is indicated in the expiry date and best-before information on the label.

  • Promote local business

Indicating where the ingredients are sourced and the business address can boost transparency and may influence buyers' choices.

People may prefer to purchase foods processed by companies in their locality. Likewise, some countries are famous for certain foods. Therefore, indicating that an ingredient is sourced from such a country might boost sales.


Food label software

It can be tasking to keep track of all the food labeling requirements stipulated by the law in your area. Also, accurately typing the nutritional information may also be challenging.

This is where food label software comes in.

It eliminates the need to manually input the required information.

Once the required parameters are filled, the software will automatically generate a constituent of the food based on the size prepared for packaging.

Label software can also be deployed in more than one location, and there will be a central server where the details are controlled. Once updated, it instantly becomes available across all places it is needed.


Advantages of label software

  • Reduces error

Label software automates most of its actions, significantly limiting human input.

Once the required details are supplied to the computer, the software will execute to compute all the required figures for the labelling.

  • Lowers cost

Any error in labeling, especially if it does not conform with the latest government order, could result in product recall and replacement. Such an error can be expensive to rectify.

With label software, manufacturers can easily make adjustments that are instantly shared across packaging sites.

  • Easy to use

The user interface of modern label software is easy to navigate. It will require less time to train employees on the usage. They are also compatible with most printers.

  • Remote access

Label software can be operated from anywhere. This makes it easier to maintain consistency in labeling systems across all packaging divisions of a company.

  • Scalability

A fast-growing food business needs a labeling system that grows with it. Manually tracking labels may result in printing the wrong details for the wrong food.

Software designed for this purpose will offer easy-to-update templates and layouts for different food products produced by the company.


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