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Essential Services for E-Commerce Businesses In 2020


The fast pace at which the digital landscape is advancing affects all aspects of businesses. The e-commerce industry is gaining ground due to the emergence of innovative technologies such as data analytics. By leveraging such services, online retailers have a perfect opportunity to boost their businesses. Below is a compilation of the top 5 essential services for e-commerce businesses in 2020.


  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You leave a lot of cash on the table by having an e-commerce website without SEO. There is a huge likelihood for customers to look up product and solution reviews before deciding on where to purchase them. SEO can, therefore, help guide customers to you. Embracing SEO is a cheaper way to grow your client list. The SEO organic results traffic is free, unlike the paid for traffic whose every click is charged. By embracing and integrating SEO into your e-commerce business, you can ensure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts while maintaining high brand visibility. By eliminating paid search traffic, you can save on time and money.


  1. Branding

Branding goes further than your brand slogan or logo. These visual elements are just a part of other branding components. Branding involves a company story, the emotions evoked by brand products, and customer service. By creating a mental image of your products on consumers, you can enhance the chances of consumers remembering your product. This can be brilliant for e-commerce companies looking to create a loyal customer base. Consumers are most likely to associate your brand with their customer experience of product usability and customer service. This can also be used to improve customer retention.


  1. Logistics Consulting

Ecommerce businesses can utilize logistics consultation for several benefits. Through logistics consultants, these businesses can improve customer care service operations. Logistics consultants can also help your e-commerce business to develop cost-effective solutions for handling warehousing, supply chain, material distribution, and handling. Through outsourcing logistic consultants, many businesses can benefit from the knowledge and experience of logistic consultants. These outsourced service providers are known as third-party logistics providers (3PL). Many e-commerce businesses turn to 3PL consulting services to decide which option is best. This allows businesses to have a better understanding of their supply chain, which is a critical but also highly complex component of most e-commerce.


  1. Blockchain

Blockchain can be used for several applications in e-commerce beyond bitcoin. Lacking a single authority control, blockchain can be credited for its security applications. It records transactional data, and the data gets stored across many different computers. The stored data cannot be interfered with or distorted. You can only add to the data. Three immediate uses of blockchain include decentralized market places, payments, and supply chains. Ecommerce businesses incorporate blockchain services to their supply chain management to reduce the hefty paperwork involved. In payments, blockchain is being used to safely transfer money in purchases or other payments by the business. Blockchain technologies reduce human interference in transactions by eliminating the middleman.


  1. Artificial Intelligence

For all commerce businesses, driving conversion has overtime remained to be the number one priority. With almost every seller hopping on to the digital marketplace, the e-commerce arena has become highly competitive. Artificial intelligence is being embraced by e-commerce businesses to outdo competitors by offering a personalized shopping experience. To tailor content with pinpoint accuracy, machine learning is being used to personalize the user experience by utilizing user data on the e-commerce platform. This technical data stored on the platforms include user devices, clicks, and actions.


The e-commerce landscape is rapidly evolving. The industry continues getting bigger and seamless with all the technological advancements we are experiencing. As an e-commerce owner or manager, you need to keep up with these technological services and find ways to incorporate those that best suit your needs.


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